Logo Animation and Company Branding

This week at BioMedware, I've gotten more into the marketing side of my position: I've started working on creating a custom logo animation for the company. The process has definitely had its ups and downs, so I thought I'd walk you through some questions I had and helpful tips I've learned:

So why animate a company logo?

Think of it this way: your company logo represents the essence of your brand to potential customers. Animating the logo creates a greater connection with these customers: it attracts attention and customers are more likely to retain a memory of the logo, and by connection, your company and brand. Your ultimate goal is to have them associate your logo with your field of business.

Where should I use the animation?

An animated logo is used to promote your company or brand. Depending on your company's needs, it can be used in many different places. Here are a few places our marketing team hopes to implement it:

Social Media and Marketing

Adding the animation to any social media and promotional content is a definite must! It not only reaches current customers but potential new ones as well, and it's the best way to get that brand identity out there.

Informational Content

Having a logo intro to any informational media is a good way to add a stamp of ownership to your content. It also lets new users know which company or software the content is linked to, and acts as an introduction.

Software / Product

If your company's focus is on development, adding the animation to your software's load page is a great way to retain brand awareness and build customer loyalty.

How are logo animations made?

There are a few different ways that companies generally introduce an animated logo:

Professional Services

If you're willing to put in money for custom professional services, there are companies such as Ideas Animation that provide professional graphic designers to work on a custom logo. The benefit to this is high-quality work, experienced designers, and usually some kind of satisfaction guarantee.

Animation Sites

On the other hand, if you don't have much experience but still want a custom logo, free sites such as Animaker provide easy-to-use services and templates that you can customize to fit your needs. You don't have as much freedom as with the other few options, but this is probably the quickest way to get what you need.

Animation Software 

The last option is to use a free or paid software such as Adobe After Effects, Blender, or Canva to create an animation from scratch. These software do have a learning curve, but provide the most creative freedom and are ideal for users with a little animation experience. This is the option I went with when creating my design.

Join me next week for a post about how to get started with a custom logo animation!


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